Aimed at those who want to work professionally as an Energy Healer as well as those who wish to develop in a purely personal capacity. Reiki Level 2 builds on the skills acquired at Level 1 and enables you to deepen your connection to Source and provides additional symbols so that you can practice Distant Healing.

  • Category: Reiki Level 2
  • Service Duration: 08:00 Hours
  • Location:Google Meeting Link
  • Price:£180.00



I enable the Distant Attunement at the beginning of the course and follow this up with a face-to-face call. We then complete 8 hours of training which includes information on how to register as an Energy Healer and take your practice further.  Following this course you will experience a 3 month cleansing process where you are encouraged to practice daily self-treatments to strengthen your energetic connection to Source and maximise the benefits available to you.